Basic H2S Training – Opito approved

Standard code:9014

The aims and objectives of the training are to ensure that the delegate gains the required knowledge and understanding of the particular hazards and properties of H2S, and appropriate emergency response actions to take should a H2S related incident arise.

The objectives of the Basic H2S are that delegates will be able to:

1. To ensure that the delegate gains the required knowledge and understanding of the particular hazards and properties of H2S
2. Appropriate emergency response actions to take should an H2S related incident arise

Delegate pre-requisites:
No pre-requisites required

Training durations: 1/2 day

Validity: 02 years

 Jano Training Centre located at Malad – West – Mumbai – India Conducting OPITO Approved BOSIET, OPITO APPROVED FOET, HUET, T-BOSIET,T-HUET, T-FOET, TSBB, TSBB-FT,T-BOSIET DD,BOSIET (With EBS) DD. H2S.